Misanthropster: An Army of One

Those I revile today are...

01 September, 2006

people who don't listen

This has to be the one thing about other people that drives me over the edge on an oh-my-god-I'm-going-to-find-a-way-to-strangle-you-and-dispose-of-your-body-so-that-it-will-never-be-found consistent basis.

ok. If you ask somebody a question, at least have the courtesy to listen to the answer.

If somebody is trying to explain something to you, LISTEN TO WHAT THEY'RE SAYING.

Take off the cute little ear muff filter thingys, step outside yourself for half a fucking second and PAY ATTENTION.


Like today at the bank. I go up to the teller with $64 in cash and ask to have it changed into six rolls of quaters and two rolls of nickels. Doesn't sound that hard, right?

So, 15 minutes later, she shows back up with 3 rolls of quarters, six rolls of dimes, one roll of nickels... and then proceeds to painstakingly break open a roll of quarters to give me the rest of my cash back. At which point I said, "Wow, six rolls of quarters and two rolls of nickels, like I originally asked for, would have been much faster and easier."

and she looks up at me with blank bambi eyes.

Or when I was working at the college bookstore... constantly would have students walking up to me and saying "Oh my god, I need this book for class in like, five minutes. Do you have it?"

And I would reply, "Yes, it's right there on that shelf."


ok... maybe we need to go back to basic listening skills... weren't people supposed to learn this in kindegarden?

And this post leads me to my next least favorite topic:

"People who don't read signs"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would it surprise you to know that I now order all of my textbooks online, so that I don't have to deal with a person at any point in the process?

6:28 PM  

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