Misanthropster: An Army of One

Those I revile today are...

11 July, 2006

people who attend the salem fair

Bring me your tired, your poor, your hungry...

your morbidly obese
your pregnant 13-year-olds
your toothless
your white kids trying to be black
your 60-year-olds dressing like they're 13
your crack whores
your slack jawed yokels
your honest-to-goodness hayseeds

Bring me your hillbillies
your bearded ladies
your chinless
your obnoxiously loud
your illiterate
your elderly smoking through tracheotomies

Yes folks, bring them to me, and I will take them to the Salem fair... where they'll truly belong.

Greatest freakshow on earth. And you don't even have to pay to see it...


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