Misanthropster: An Army of One

Those I revile today are...

05 July, 2006

people who live next door to me

The things they do that irritate me on a daily basis:

1. Exist.

2. Let their 10-year-old kid ride a motorcross motorcycle at high speeds up and down our street WITHOUT A HELMET

3. Listening to the fucking motorcross motorcycle and its fucking mufflerless NOISES all day long.

4. Blow stuff up all through July and August late at night.

5. Burn all their trash in a barrel in their back yard. This includes plastic.

6. Decide that the right time to burn their trash is at 11pm and then leave their burn barrel unattended so that I wake up at 3am with a bedroom full of smoke and look out the window to see flames shooting about 15 feet out of the barrel.

7. Exist.

8. Leave two dogs tied up in their backyard all year round. One is male, one is female. Neither is fixed. SUCKS ASS when the female goes into heat because all we hear is both dogs yipping and moaning because they can't get at each other. Really sucks ass any time I look out the window and see those poor dogs pacing the same 20 foot area day in and day out...

9. Have a gigantic brighter-than-the-sun security light in their back yard. Which shines into our bedroom. On a street that is well lit with street lights.

10. Have about five cars sitting in their yard in various states of disrepair.

11. They moved from the house we live in now (a very nice brick three-bedroom with hardwood floors) into a DOUBLEWIDE nextdoor. It's great and all that we get to live in this very nice house for very little rent, but why in holy hell would you want to live in a goddamned doublewide when you were living in a perfectly lovely brick house?

12. Their boy (mentioned above) is constantly trooping through our yard with a BB gun shooting at whatever is moving nearby.

13. They're constantly screaming at each other. It is blissfully unintelligible, but it's still there and it still irritates...

I'm sure I'll add to this list as time goes on. And I'm sure I'm forgetting things...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a 100 watt guitar amp that is screaming to be used. Whenever they go to sleep, we can crank it up to ... well, 3 would be enough.

12:36 PM  
Blogger Renpup said...

Call the authorities on the dogs--seriously. I was living next door to the EXACT same dog situation (pit bulls, female in heat, male miserable trying to get to female, tied up in backyard in filth with no shelter, barking, whining, etc.).

We had to call animal control about 3 times before they finally took the male away. Then after the female had her puppies we were finally able to get them to take the female and her puppies away, too. I feel bad because I don't know what happened to the dogs, but they were miserable and made everyone else miserable, too.

11:20 AM  

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