people who promote intolerant bullshit in their front yards
So a bunch of my neighbors have signs in their yards that read:
Vote Yes For Marriage
Marriage = One Man + One Woman
Thank you, Seth McFarlane, for pointing out this evening on American Dad that gays are the new blacks.
Why is it acceptable to be so friggen bigoted towards a huge portion of our population? Argh.
And as my dear husband said this evening, gays have the right to be just as miserable as the rest of us.
Thanks, honey.
Anyway, he and I are contemplating going out tonight with a sharpie and amending the signs to read "Vote yes for ^Gay Marriage"
I'll spring for a giant, economy box of Q-tips to paint with and 2 gallons of paint to help you out.
That'll show 'em.
Tip from a former grafiti kid:
You need a broader marker. Magnum markers are good for the job.
Oh, I had the same rant. On one hand it's good to know exactly where the idiots live. I drew the line when signs were posted at the entrance to our neighborhood. That one had to come down.
This political season needs to be OVER right now. I'm only voting for gay Dems with campaign promises of q-tip abundance.
Down with straight people!!
Ok, I SWEAR that the password this time is licenseplatese for "MegaDicks" I swear it to be true.
that would be hilarious! get all dressed up in black all mission impossible style! sneak up to the sign all quiet like... they wont hear a thing except for the occasional squeaking of the marker. hehehe
That sounds like an AMAZING IDEA. We love messing with uber-conservative old people!
Oh, harsh! Your husband's a hell of a lot funnier. :)
and see, Matt, that is why I call my blog misanthropster and his blog is cranky old bastard.
I'm a harsh, harsh bitch.
unfortunately, given the area we live in, dressing up in all black would attract too much attention. Much better to dress in a confederate flag, or camo. Or even better, both.
Get ready to have marriage "defined" by law in Virginia tomorrow, peoples.
I thought marriage = document + overpriced party with cheap liquor.
Neil, I wonder if we could legislate that?
lol! Sounds great, but remember, these people probably have guns and are for the death penalty, and you'll be on their property. I don't know what VA laws regarding trespassing are, but after living in TX, I avoid reasons to be shot.
As Lee said, it's nice to know where the idiots live.
It's ok, I'll be wearing camo and a confederate flag. It'll be fine.
Plus, they shouldn't have put their signs so close to the edges of their property. :)
i can't believe i was too drunk to vote! damn.
I expounded (lengthily, probably) on Lee's blog about my views on this.
Suffice to say here that I stand with your dear husband (who shall remain nameless.)
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