Misanthropster: An Army of One

Those I revile today are...

31 October, 2006

people who use halloween as an excuse to act like idiots.

Can you tell I live in a college town?

The number of drinking related deaths tonight will spike massively. As will date rapes, car accidents, vandalism (duh) and arrests in general.

There are more girls than usual walking around looking like hookers downtown.

Sexy nurse outfits are SO over. As are sexy witch outfits, sexy vampire outfits, etc etc. Imagination is a good thing.

Ditto for costumes which involve fake asses hanging out of your pants.

I'm becoming so suburban. My husband and I dressed our child up like a chicken and took her trick or treating in the mall.

She liked to shake her bag of candy because it made crinkly noises. She thought the costume was pretty bunk, but was willing to suffer through it for food.


Blogger Crankster said...

There's nothing more enjoyable than seing a twenty-year-old whore herself out for candy and the occasional jello shooter.

10:35 PM  
Blogger mist1 said...

I wish you had told me that skanky costumes were out for fall before I donned this one.

1:14 AM  
Blogger Clover said...

Skanky costuming reached all new lows this year. I didn't see any fake asses hanging out, but I saw plenty of real ones.

The chicken costume is supercute though. :)


7:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

note from super suburbia: Bad costumes, vandalism and pure prankster fun are alive and well here! Our good friends and top local realtor AND their kids tp'ed our house ! Just wait til next Halloween. Oh, it's on.

9:36 PM  
Blogger misanthropster said...

I dunno mist... did your skanky costume have any imagination?

I'll give you a free pass for thoughtful skank. :)

9:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree. People are just looking for a reason to justify thier stupidity.

3:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

our friends have an annual party and our town has a massive parade. it's really quite fun despite the bum politicians walkin round tryin to shake hands. we just put a bowl of candy on the front porch with a sign to take one, and hope to god it's all gone when we get back.

6:58 PM  
Blogger heartinsanfrancisco said...

Why do they all want to be Cat Woman? Even the ones who can't really fit into the costume. Is it the association between "cat' and "pussy?" It surely can't be the eye liner whiskers painted on their cheeks and blackening their noses adorably under the cute little ears.

There used to be a time when Halloween was for SCARY costumes. Nowadays, it's impossible to tell who's in costume and who is not since they pretty much dress like that all the time.

2:04 AM  
Blogger Gonçalo Veiga said...

I read your WHOLE blog, from post one to present (I don't do this often!), and may I tell you: I absolutely loved it!

I'm going to add you up to my links.

11:55 AM  

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