people who obsess about q-tips
My dear husband, who shall remain nameless has a slight problem.
Now, honestly, if this is the only thing he ever really gets in a froth over during the course of our marriage, I think we're doing pretty well.
Anyway, the problem is that he is completely and utter irrational when we start getting low on q-tips.
When our old roommate moved out, my husband said something to the effect of "Good, now we won't have to support his q-tip habit anymore."
Mind you, we have to buy q-tips about three times a year, no matter how many people live with us.
Then, the next time we ran out of q-tips my husband came at me. "HOW many q-tips do you use in a day? Because you only need one, two at the very most. I mean, are you using them to put on makeup? What's going on here?"
Yesterday, we had a few q-tips left. Less than 10, but more than one.
And I got this rant about my sister in law (who is currently living with us):
"We had a ton of q-tips when she moved in. She's eating us out of house and home and using up all of our q-tips."
I confronted my husband regarding his rage over q-tip usage this afternoon.
I don't think he believes me.
I shall chronicle the next rant as it happens.
He would like Savannah. Qtips grow wild down here. The Qtip trees bloom in late February.
I take my q-tips seriously. They have to be name brand (because of the 20% more padding at the tip). I buy them in bulk, but I only keep a few in the bathrooms so that anyone that comes over won't go crazy with them.
Recently, I gave someone a travel pack of q-tips. I don't think they truly appreciated the gesture.
travel packs of q-tips are awesome.
And name brand is totally necessary. Yup.
and I too have seen the wild q-tip trees in Savannah. (my family is from there) I miss the waxy smell of the q-tip bloom.
LOL! I suspect my roommate of rampant over-use of q-tips too. I hide my own stash under my sink and keep a decoy pack in the linen closet for her. We just can't trust "others" with our precious supply.
And please, don't forget that extra 20% padding. That's like an additional 20% return. I can't get a guaranteed 20% return anywhere else, so i stopped cleaning my ears with q-tips to preserve the return. Please send e mail, I can't hear anymore.
Wow, Pinchloaf and I were just talking about q-tips this morning. He is similarly obsessed with them and is currently alarmed because the box (of which he has used probably 95% of)is starting to get low.
He's the type of person who q-tips his ears before dinner when he q-tipped them at breakfast, too. I'm the type of person who waits until the wax is spilling out of my ears before I'll remove it with a bobby pin. Shit, I think I revealed far too much about myself.
Yikes. I have just realized that I am out of Q-tips. I must go to the store immediately. I can not continue blogging knowing that I am in a home with no Q-tips. :)
karen, you should try candleing. Or however the hell the damn hippies spell that. It supposedly works really well on people who don't like to q-tip.
I seriously wonder what it is about men and their q-tips. Maybe it's the one beauty product that they actually use, and therefore feel territorial about it. :)
Or maybe all of y'all just use too damn many of the things...
...keep your grubby fingers off my q-tips...grumble, grumble...
They're not grubby. I've been using your q-tips to clean underneath my fingernails, thank you very much.
Ahhh...does Crankypants manage to get the used q-tips into the garbage can? Mine seems to be saving even the used ones for some unnamed purpose.
PS - the password this thing is making me type is rather obscene.
crankypants is rather fastidious about stuff like the bathroom. As he just rearranged the bathroom closet for the fourth time in as many months.
no, he's not gay.
thank you.
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