Misanthropster: An Army of One

Those I revile today are...

13 November, 2006

people who hate Dr. Phil

Ok, so this might be a highly unpopular post, but I have to say that people who hate Dr. Phil just need to check themselves...

He's brilliant. He comes up with the most creative ways of saying "Fuck you," "Put on your big girl panties and deal," and, "wow, you're a fucking moron" that I've ever heard/read.

Yeah, he sucks on TV and listening to his voice is incredibly annoying, but I never fail to get a deep guffaw and an "Oh, SNAP" going when I read his column in the O Magazine.

Yes, that's right, I read "O." Get over it. I have an addiction. Leave me alone. I also read about 20 other magazines a month. "O" happens to be the most intelligent women's mag out there. Well, mass market women's mag...

Anyway, if I didn't read "O," then how else would I get my monthly Dr. Phil fix?

In the December issue of "O" somebody wrote in complaining about her mother in law saying awful things to her like "I can't believe you wear striped tops so often, since they emphasize your middle." etc.

Dr. Phil's response:

Your mother in law is a mean old bitch and you need to stop being so whiny.

Well, I paraphrased. Just a little.

He's so great.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't read any Dr. Phil but I do occasionally catch his show. I agree that his "stop whining" tactics is often all most people need. I really liked him when he would guest on Oprah. (I think Oprah is the shiz.) My problem with the show is a) more commercials than show b) blatant, and I mean BLATANT self promotion of his Family First book. c)and now, the match.com plugs. Ugh. d) oh and his goofy wife who gets made up everyday to sit in the audience and pipe in

6:08 AM  
Blogger Renpup said...

I, too, harbor an unholy love for Dr. Phil. I used to watch him in my college days, back when I was 27 and still working on my bachelor's.

I was all sorts of excited last Friday because I had Veteren's Day off (you heard me, jealous much?) and I thought I'd finally get a Dr. Phil fix. That didn't happen due to circumstances beyond my control and it really just made me want to die.

Man, did you see the craaaaazy episode a couple of years ago about the creepy, creepy, sad 19-year old whose parents suspected him of molesting his 5-year old sister? That kid still gives me the heebie jeebies.

8:21 AM  
Blogger mist1 said...

I love Dr. Phil. Especially when he says stuff like, "What the hell is wrong with you people?"

9:05 AM  
Blogger Red said...

Am I the only one who thinks that Dr Phil bears an uncanny resemblance to Hank from the Larry Sanders Show? His advice sounds righteous, by the way.

(Hiya, I came via Studio23.)

2:07 PM  
Blogger Crankster said...

Did you catch the Simpsons on Sunday? Homer eats Dr. Phil and comments that he tastes "just like Jeffrey Tambor."

Nice observation!

2:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have never seen Dr. Phil. I am out of my league here. sorry to be culturally deprived.

7:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't have Dr. Phil but I don't love him. Some of his advice, particularly that in the vein of “Quit your bitching and do something," is worthwhile but not incredibly profound.

I wasn't sure about the Dr. Phil weight loss plan though. Especially after someone summed it up to me like this: "Dr. Phil's diet secret -- badger yourself into weight loss!"

8:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, not one hour ago I read that exact same column in O and mentally wassall "You tell her, Phil." (You and I are so funny how we both love O and The Week and seem to frequently note/pull out the same details from them. Weird!) I think Dr. Phil rocks at giving advice in that column...

5:19 PM  
Blogger misanthropster said...

I've actually never seen Dr. Phil's show. I've only seen promos for it on the tee vee and listened to ads on the radio.

But I have read a book or two of his, and all of his columns in the Oprah mag, and that's from whence my love stems.

Anyway, Stacey, it's because we're both brilliant bitches. So, what's the addy to YOUR blog, Missy.

9:59 PM  
Blogger brc ed. said...

I have a hard time getting past Dr. Phil's demeanor... but I do like O magazine. TV talk shows are just so glitzy - I like the radio ones. There's no one to look at, just words to listen to. But Oprah's great. And the magazine is extremely intelligent, advertising-ethical and book-oriented...

5:29 PM  

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