people who are cruel to animals
It's taken me quite a while to be able to deal with this enough so that I could post about it.
But basically, some dude in Loudon County, VA threw his girlfriend's 14-year-old declawed cat in a trash can and then stomped it to death.
The guy claimed self-defense. Fortunately the judge convicted the asshole, and he went to jail. For the requisite two minutes that the state of Virginia requires.
In cases like this, I really wish we had eye-for-an-eye punishment laws in this state.
You'd kill the bastard way too fast for my taste. But breaking every bone n his body is a start.
People who are cruel to animals or children should die. Period. I will not negotiate, I cannot be jollied into a more socially-acceptable stance. They need to die. We need to be rid of them.
And for my next trick...
I am sharpening my cat's claws for revenge. Who's with us?
I'll sharpen my cats and dogs claws. I think we should break every bone, but lets start with the toes first so he can't run away...
Look at the bright side; maybe he got raped in jail.
Bah! I hate hearing crap like this; it just makes me so angry.
I know I've told you about those wretched people I used to live next door to and their miserable pit bulls. My only regret in that instance is that I didn't call animal control soooner. I should've been far more worried about the health of those animals than if those fucking bastard neighbors were going to "be mad" at me.
I fucking hate my county.
And after breaking every bone in his body, then the fire ants, not that I have an opinion, naturally.
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