Misanthropster: An Army of One

Those I revile today are...

21 June, 2006

people who state the obvious in a really patronizing way

If you see somebody in a grocery store with a squalling baby, don't walk by and say

"oooh... somebody's cranky."


Geez lady, I sure couldn't have figured that one out on my own. Nope, not at all. Thank you for pointing it out to me. I would have never noticed that my child is screaming at the very top of her lungs and beating her fists against the edge of the shopping cart.

Pointing this out doesn't help. In fact, it just pisses me off, which upsets the kid further.

Actually, the next person that says that to me, I may ask for their phone number. So that I can call them at 3am when the kid wakes up screaming and ask them if they think she's cranky.

Oh, and for the lady that bitchily told me that my kid who is nearly walking is too young to sit up on her own... there's a post coming your way soon... people who tell you how to raise your children.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have the same problem who look at a tall person and say "You're tall." Yeah, no shit. The guy is 6'8" so I'm betting somewhere on his way up he realized he was tall. There are enough doorframes in the world that he has to duck to get through so some stranger in public is probably not revealing a major hidden truth to him. You can't do that with a fat person either. Only little kids can walk up to a 400-pound man and reveal his enormity. Oh the tragedy of our times...

10:25 AM  

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