Misanthropster: An Army of One

Those I revile today are...

23 June, 2006

people who think they're in "Dazed and Confused"

I had a serious 70s flashback today, and I wasn't even fully conscious until, like, 1980 or so.

Anyway, my next door neighbors' (who deserve a full post in and of themselves) teenaged daughter has a boyfriend who drives a big-ass trans am, and was blasting some god-awful 70s soft rock while sitting in front of their house honking his horn and yelling at her to get her butt moving and get outside.


So, being the nosy neighbor that I am, I stuck my head out the window to see what was going on, and the guy was sporting a full on blonde Farah Fawcett flip, with a very modern (so like, 2005) truckers cap stuck on top of it.

I kept expecting him to whip out his paddle and slap it against his thigh in search of new freshmen to whup.

Or at least have a can of Natty Light in his hand. Or say "You know the cool thing about high school girls is..."

I'm still scratching my head over that one.

My conclusions are that:

1. This backwoods area is finally moving into the 70s in fashion and music. Either that, or it just never left.

2. Dazed and Confused will never die.

3. High school stereotypes are around for as long as American high schools are...

I'm off to listen to "Low Rider" and stare at my lava lamp. (Thanks, Stace! By the way, did you know that lava lamps can freeze?)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Funny. Ha ha ha ha.


9:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My theory is that the teenaged girl's and boy's parents peaked in high school. You know the types - they maintain a sort of frozen in time quality, refusing to move on in fashion, attitude, and hair styles.

Teenage Boy and Girl grew up thinking this is how people look.

5:01 PM  

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