Misanthropster: An Army of One

Those I revile today are...

20 June, 2006

People who write checks in the express lane at the grocery store

Yes, this means you. If you're in the goddamn 10 items or less lane at Wal-Mart and there are 30 people in line behind you, break out the goddamn check card for god's sake and don't waste my, and 30 OTHER people's time writing a check.

Especially those who write checks very slowly. And take ten years to sign the check because their signature is a work of art that they've been perfecting since the fourth grade and someday they might be famous and somebody will sell one of their beautifully signed checks for $10,000,000 at Sotheby's.

For fuck's sake.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell us how you really feel.

10:32 PM  
Blogger misanthropster said...

And the checks are always from the first national bank of Managua or some rinky dink, maybe-it-doesn't-exist credit union.

While we're on the topic, do you think that prostitutes have a credit union? Shouldn't they?

Misanthropster's husband

12:16 PM  

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